In the past few years, video marketing has become increasingly popular. Google loves it. Customers love it. But what is it about video marketing that’s really so powerful?

1. Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

Video helps your customers connect with you on a personal level. Many customers tend to have a stronger emotional response to video compared to other marketing methods, which greatly increases the chances that they’ll buy from your company. Customers are said to be 144% more likely to make a purchase after watching a product video than if they don’t see a video before considering a purchase. Additionally, 74% of customers who watched a marketing video about a product went on to buy it. If you want to increase sales, video is a valuable opportunity. This makes it a crucial tool for shaping customer buying decisions—one your business should not overlook.

2. Video Encourages Customer Trust

Trust is more important than ever for your customer base, especially if you run an online store. Customers are concerned about being scammed or receiving unreliable products. However, videos help build trust: 57% of consumers say that videos increase their trust when shopping online. Videos give customers a glimpse behind the scenes at real people and authentic products linked to your business, making them more likely to trust what you provide.

3. Google Rewards Video Creators

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, but one thing is clear: video helps build your search ranking and puts you in a better position to get that critical first slot in your preferred Google results page. In fact, sites that have videos are 53 times more likely to get that coveted first slot in Google’s search results. What is it that makes Google like video so much? Several elements:

  • Visitors who stay to watch a video are spending more time on your website, which tells Google that it’s offering something valuable.
  • Google knows that videos intrigue customers, so it rewards sites with that type of content.
  • Google now owns YouTube, which means it has a more vested interest than ever in rewarding video content.

Even if it doesn’t get you into the top three positions of Google’s search rankings, video marketing can help significantly increase your search rankings–and over time, you just might work your way into that top spot.

4. Video Marketing Helps Explain the Details

Do you have a hot new product that solves a key customer problem? A service that customers don’t entirely understand? Video is like old-style show and tell: it’s your chance to show your customers the exact answers to their questions and concerns. Through your video, you can bring complicated concepts to life and show customers exactly how to handle almost anything. From using a new product to explaining exactly how a service may benefit your customers, video can help you take your efforts the extra mile and decrease customer confusion, which in turn leads to higher sales rates. After all, customers aren’t going to buy a product that they don’t understand–but you already know that once they learn more about your product, they’re sure to dive in and make those purchases.

5. Technology Favors Video

Mobile users love videos, especially if they’re optimized so they can watch them anywhere. Facebook prioritizes video when it’s deciding what will appear in its customers’ newsfeeds. More and more, technology is favoring video over other types of content marketing, and with good reason. All you have to do to take advantage of it is create video content of your own! Not only does current technology favor video, future technology is increasingly likely to do the same, which may mean even more emphasis on video creation for many marketers.

Now that you know more about the power of video, it’s time to start integrating it into your marketing plans. You don’t want your business to miss out on the advantages of video marketing.

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