When your back is against the wall, do you choose comfort or growth?

Don’t answer hastily, take a moment and really think about it…

Why would I ask this question?

I have discovered most difficult choices are made as a result of two feelings:

  1. Comfort
  2. Growth

Don’t believe me?

Think of a time when you took the easy way out, how’d that work out for you?

Now, think of a time when you challenged yourself mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, or financially, how’d that work out for you?

Time to get REAL…

Comfort Zone

Comfort choices produce dead fruits. You feel frustrated, bored, stuck, empty and trapped. You wake up feeling unmotivated and borderline hopelessness.

Growth, Old, New

Conversely, growth choices produce good fruits. You feel peaceful, joyful, and experience a sense of purpose only the daily basis. You wake up inspired and looking forward to the future.

So what’s my point?

When you encounter a tough decision and choose to find comfort, it’s because you’re feeling scared. This fear-driven choice leads to even more fear, making you look for more comfort; then, you become even more scared and seek even more comfort. I call this, “The Fear Trap.”

You come to a place where you’re stuck in your decisions of comfort and fear, so much so you can’t see a clear way out.

The good news is, you no longer have to feel this way!

So what’s the answer?

It’s simple math:

Fear = Comfort

Risk = Growth

You gotta take at least one risk every single day!


Yes, you read that correctly. Take one risk EVERY single day!


Because risk is the antidote to fear. It will keep fear so far away from you, you will believe anything is possible.

You see, comfort and fear make you say, “I can’t,” or, “It will never work.”

But, growth and risk make you say, “How can I do this?” or, “How can I make it work?”

Yes, it really is that simple. I know because I’ve done it.

My Fear Trap

Today is special for me, 18-months ago, I had a very difficult choice to make. Continue to seek comfort in a business that was making me miserable, or take a risk and venture out into the unknown.

Equipped with mountains of fear, I chose to take a leap of faith and bet on me. I gotta be honest with you, it was one of the most difficult decisions of my life.

So, why did I make the choice to leave…it’s simple. I wanted more. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life waking up everyday feeling sad and depressed. I believed that the uncertain and unknown future had to be better than being stuck.

Yes, it has been a challenge, but there have been so many rewards and so much growth. The best part is that I am no longer stuck in “The Fear Trap.”

The truth is, you are either stuck in comfort or growing.

I challenge you to take a risk every single day and live a life of growth instead of comfort.

Watch this video for a few RISK tips to get you started:

Comfort is totally overrated!