Where, oh where… Has My Like Button Gone?

This is one of those puzzling things that confuses many new Facebook business page users…

Where did my like button go?

The problem here is that no one tells us that after we click the like button ONCE on any page, including our own, it goes away (and doesn’t hang around to annoy us).

This is confusing because this isn’t how most buttons on the web work! (Maybe they should!)

Image showing the difference between the default facebook page layout with button present and the button missing (correctly) after its been clicked

So… what this means is that your button really isn’t “missing” its only not displaying for you because you already liked the page!

Want to prove this? Either log out and view the page again – or – scroll down on your left sidebar and click “unlike page” (which is safe to do even on your own page) and unlike it to have a look. The bottom comes back when it no longer sees that the observer is already a fan.

Now you know why it appears that your fan page like button has gone missing!