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Business Intelligence

In order to dominate your competition, it takes business intelligence and analytics to make smarter decisions. Check out these best practices for developing business intelligence.

When to Look for Incremental Growth

There are boom times for business, and there are slow times. This goes for entire industries as well as individual…

Connor Brooke
May 15, 2019
Business Intelligence

What is Cognitive Computing? How are Enterprises Benefiting From Cognitive Technology?

AI has truly been a far-flung goal ever since the conception of computing, and every day we seem to be…

James Spillane
May 14, 2019
Business Intelligence

Key Considerations for GDPR Compliance and PII Protection

Enterprise and consumer data sources are proliferating, and so are the regulations governing the proper uses for data and required…

Jay Leonard
April 25, 2019
Business Intelligence

5 Benefits of Automating Procurement Processes in Your Company

Have you ever watched a busy intersection without functional traffic lights? It’s a perfect manifestation of chaos. Vehicles headed in…

Connor Brooke
April 7, 2019
Business Intelligence

Making SAM Part of Your BI Strategy

Software asset management (SAM) is a business imperative for a multitude of reasons. Having proper and mature SAM will allow…

Connor Brooke
March 25, 2019
Business Intelligence

Data Backup & Recovery – Back Up Critical Business Data

Here in Southern California, over the last couple of months we’ve seen quite a number of natural disasters. The Woolsey…

James Spillane
March 13, 2019
Business Intelligence

Dashboard & Reporting Software – Top 10 Features You Must Have and 4 You Should

Before we get into the top 10 features you should look for in dashboard and reporting software aimed at managing…

Connor Brooke
January 23, 2019
Business Intelligence

To Build or Buy with Embedded BI

The profile of the average end user is evolving, and that means a more diverse set of people are interacting…

Connor Brooke
December 19, 2018
Business Intelligence

Analytics Excellence is the Relentless Pursuit of Driving Growth and Profitability

According to IDC’s Digital Universe study, “digital data is doubling in size every two years; and by 2020, the digital…

Jay Leonard
November 2, 2018
Business Intelligence

SaaS Data Planning: A Start-to-Finish Guide to Implementation

Data is the life blood of any SaaS company. Data will empower you to make better decisions and help you…

Alan Draper
October 2, 2018
Business Intelligence

5 Free Tools to Help You Spy on Your Competitors

It can be difficult to admit but your competitors are better at some business activities than you are, but you…

Connor Brooke
September 29, 2018
Business Intelligence

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