HumanCapital-300x200It has long been said that it is not the technology or the products that make a company great, it’s the people. “Our employees are our greatest asset” is a well-known saying alluding to the same point, the value of a company and the success it will achieve is equal to the hard work and passion of its employees.

The challenge for businesses is keeping their valuable employees engaged and finding ways to unleash workers’ human potential. But it is no secret that today’s employees are very different than employees five, ten years ago. As technology continues to transform the business world and our everyday lives, our expectations of our employer and work are shifting as well. As a result, the relationship between the employer and employee is being redefined. Businesses are forced to rethink typical management and HR processes and consider the future of work.

Mobile and social technology are changing how we communicate, collaborate and get our work done. Technology is also impacting how we reach, recruit and retain new talents, as well as we measure employee value. As employees demand personalized development combined with flexible working models, employee training and development must also change.

Contributing to changing employee expectations is the growing Millennial workforce, predicted to be 75% of the workforce by 2025. This new generation is actively shaping corporate culture as the most digital, mobile and social generation in the world. Millennials are driven by purpose and they desire not just a job but a meaningful career. They want to make an impact on the company they work for and ultimately the world.

In order to engage their diverse talent, businesses must say goodbye to the HR department we once knew and find new ways to drive empowerment. Smart companies will recognize the trends that are impacting the future of work, and build new programs that meet employees’ changing needs. In one of the interviews in our Future of Work eBook, thought leader and speaker Angela Maiers says that employee engagement means unlocking human potential and inviting everyone to contribute fully.

“The business of the future keeps its employees engaged by liberating and leveraging their individual and collective genius. The most profound source of motivation, regardless of title or position, is a human being’s quest for significance.”

In the end, it’s up to businesses to leverage the technology available to create environments which stimulate intrinsic motivation in order to keep employees engaged. And not just for employee satisfaction and retention, but for the success of the business, which is dependent on the passion and potential of its workers.

For more stats on the Future of Business, see 99 Facts on The Future of Business.

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