If you're looking to land a deal or disseminate information, you need to make a compelling presentation. But before you…
Ashish Arora, a graduate of the prestigious Engineering Institute of India, is co-founder of SketchBubble.com, a leading provider of results-driven, professionally built PowerPoint Templates. Traveling the world to gather new creative ideas, he has been working in the digital marketing space since 2007 and has a passion for designing presentations.
When I’m not working, which is rare because I’m one of those lucky people who actually love my job, I enjoy traveling and have visited many wonderful places around the world. Traveling feeds my second passion, literally, because I love trying different global cuisines.
The great thing is, everything I experience during my travels I end up using in my work. Somehow the sights, sounds, scents, and tastes collected from around the world find their way into the beautiful templates we offer our clients, and that makes me incredibly happy.