Video is rapidly emerging as a way for people to promote, inform, engage and educate and it is the latter that seems to be taking the world by storm.

The global E-Learning market has sky-rocketed a massive 900% since 2000 and statistics show that over 1 billion people worldwide are enrolled in some form of online training.

Learning through video is not something new to us, but it is becoming much more accessible and with webinars and live event streaming being so accessible, more people and businesses are turning their development towards online video.

Online video is a great way of reaching larger audiences from a more diverse background quickly and efficiently helping to share knowledge and education all around the world. Not only is this a positive for people looking to learn but it is a massive benefit for businesses looking to share their insights too.

(This webinar includes David Hunstone of, Jon Harman of the University of Law and Andy Jones of Thomson Reuters)

In this webinar, created by a company called, webinars and live event streaming is being talked about as they explain how people can learn and develop themselves and their skills through online video.

As mentioned before, accessibility plays a key factor in the rise of online learning and this is solely down to the improvement of technology. With the incredible rise of smartphones, laptops and tablets over the last 5 years, people can stream hours of video content whenever and wherever they are.

Online video is something welcomed with open arms by a lot of educational bodies too because this way more and more people are enrolling in online courses further improving their skills and knowledge. One thing education has to contend with in a classroom for example, is attention and time. Time is a key factor to business people in a very busy workplace and lack of attention is combatted with the ability to stop the video and pick up where you left off.

Video is predicted to do even greater things in 2014 and the rise of educational videos like E-learning will continue to show their convenience too.