One of the big buzz phrases sweeping the digital nation is the term “content marketing.” And while content marketing is important, it’s not as if someone just woke up and realized the value of content.
Was reading Brandon Gutman’s interview with Evan Shapiro on Forbes about the fact that TV is not dead – yes, there are those who still insist on proclaiming television to be dead, and I came across a quote from Evan which inspired me to write this article.
Before I get to my point, I definitely recommend reading Brandon’s interview. It’s very well done and provides some interesting insights into the thoughts of a key player in the television industry.
Ok, the line that Evan said during the interview is quite simplistic and obvious, but as I mentioned it inspired me, so you know, it has that going for it, which is nice. (kudos for catching the Caddyshack reference)
Yes that’s the entire line.
Well, truth be told Evan’s full thought was “Content is still king. And I submit that TV is the best, most valuable and most relevant content on earth right now.”
I admire Evan’s zest and passion for what he does but “the best, most valuable and most relevant content on earth right now?”
You think there’s just a tad of hyperbole in there?
Be that as it may, it has always been and always will be about content. But not just content for the sake of content.
It has to be the right content.
It has to be the right TV shows as in Evan’s context.
It has to be the right content from brands and marketers in the social media space.
It has to be the right shoes for shoe store owners.
It has to be the right content to match whomever your given audience is.
And that has never changed nor will it ever.
And as for content marketing, heck I even wrote a piece late last year titled “The Future Of Business To Business Marketing Summed Up In Two Words: Content Marketing” in which I laid out the findings of a survey which revealed the importance of content marketing in the B2B world.
So I get it. I get the fact that content, in today’s digital world, as Evan put it – is still king.
Content Comes In All Shapes And Sizes
But the value of content as a whole is nothing new.
Think about it.
Let’s use sports for an example.
The Kansas City Royals and Cleveland Browns. Not to pick on any specific teams but they provide the perfect example.
For the past 10-15 years or so, and counting, their teams have been pretty dismal, wouldn’t you say?
How would you think their fans would sum up the “content” of their teams over the past 10-15 years?
Yes I know all about revenue sharing and how smaller market teams can’t compete, but all things being equal but would you say their collective “content” has been of any value to their fans?
Of course this is a highly over simplification of my point but you knew that, right?
Location, Location, Location
Know when you’re talking to a realtor and they invariably trot out the age old adage of location, location, location as being the three most important things when it comes to real estate?
In the context of today’s world for marketers, advertisers, brands and so on, the three most important things are content, content, content.
But it cannot be content just for the sake of content.
It cannot be running the same lineup or roster out there, to borrow the sports analogy. It has to be quality content. It has to be content that your customers and prospects want to see and read and engage with and share with their friends.
And only you know what that content is.
Image Source: Google Images
Named one of the Top 100 Influencers In Social Media (#41) by Social Technology Review, Steve Olenski is a freelance writer/blogger currently looking for full-time work. He has worked on some of the biggest brands in the world and has over 20 years experience in advertising and marketing. He lives in Philly and can be reached via email,Twitter, LinkedIn or his website.