What makes a top-notch content marketing campaign is a mix of phenomenal strategies, out-of-the box ideas and thoughtful execution. What shapes breakthroughs is creativity. What brings results is consistency. What humanizes content is storytelling, but sometimes, it’s the “little” things that shake the cornerstone of great creations. Grammar is one of those little things busy content managers and entrepreneurs may overlook when creating a blog post or writing any type of business correspondence.

Recurring grammatical errors can affect one’s credibility especially when your mission speaks of delivering high-quality content and the smooth fusion of engagement and conversion. Being complacent about grammar is not ideal for content managers and bloggers.

According to this report, the number of Fortune 500 companies launching their own blogs has increased. With so many voices online, almost everybody can claim they have unique content in order to beat competition. But is that unique content also clear and free from distractions? Can its quality sustain the trust and loyalty of readers? Exemplary content marketing takes the audience seriously and treats them with respect.

Using grammar correctly does not mean you have to be an expert and ace a 50-page grammar exam. Paying attention to grammar may begin by knowing the fundamentals: subject-verb agreement, prepositions and pronouns.

To avoid overwhelming yourself, learn and practice one grammar rule every day. When editing your blog or email, get a fresh pair of eyes. Ask a colleague to read what you have written. You can also use an online editing tool for quick proofreading.

Content managers and content creators can also start by identifying the grammatical issues that constantly bother them. The only way to be confident about one’s blogging or writing skills is by confronting the weak spots. The infographic below breaks down the most common grammar mistakes bloggers commit and how they can be addressed.

Source: www.grammarcheck.net