blog_cover-4With the continuous rise of inbound and content marketing, companies are looking for great video content to use in every step of their buyers’ journey. What does this mean for 2015? Success will be less about quantity and more about quality—since everyone is jumping on the video marketing bandwagon, companies will need to set themselves apart by creating higher quality, more interactive strategic videos.

Let’s take a look at a few early adopters of video marketing. Here are seven technology companies already doing video marketing the right way!

1. GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting is such a straightforward service. And it knows it! When you visit the website for the first time, it doesn’t use video to tell you what it is all about. Instead, it has customer stories from high level executives talking about why they use GoToMeeting. It also uses video to grow brand awareness by creating videos that help solve problems. For instance, being too hungover to make it to your 9 a.m. meeting.

2. HubSpot

HubSpot, the Content Optimization Platform (COS) we all know and love, has been using video marketing for a long time. HubSpot has videos on its YouTube channel that are 7 years old! Something you’ll notice is HubSpot has videos in every section of its website. It even sends you a video when you unsubscribe from email.

HubSpot not only uses video to explain who is behind the brand, it also uses video to educate customers on inbound marketing and how to use the brand’s products.

3. Zendesk

Zendesk uses video to help explain its products and how they work, instead of just writing out what they do and hoping we all understand. Its YouTube channel is packed with short training videos and fun marketing videos.

4. Salesforce

Salesforce takes a different approach to video: Before you can watch its demo video, it requires you to fill out a form. I’m a huge fan of this! Companies spend a lot of time and effort creating videos; the least a prospective customer can do is share their email before they watch. If you think about it, most companies require the same information for a consultation or a sales member to call you. Instead, Salesforce lets their demo videos do the talking.

Salesforce also has some fantastic customer success stories, like this one here:

5. New Relic

With all the products New Relic offers, you would think video marketing would be difficult. Not true! New Relic is doing a great job using video. The first thing you’ll see when popping over to the website is a huge video banner. Like some of the other companies on this list, it also has videos that help you through every step of the buyer’s journey, plus fun marketing videos on its YouTube channel.

6. Moz

If you haven’t heard of Whiteboard Friday, then you need to check it out. This YouTube series has helped solidify Moz and CEO/Rand Fishkin as a thought leader in the industry of SEO and inbound marketing. Moz has built a YouTube channel with a loyal following, and, on average, each video receives roughly 4,000 views! I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a steady stream of views, which isn’t an easy thing to accomplish.

7. Pegasystems

Pegasystems has video all over its website. It uses video to describe its services, provide customer success stories and talk about its culture. It also has an active YouTube channel with more than 1,700 subscribers. Pegasystems is definitely using video to its advantage.

Things We Can Learn From These Companies

We can see a few common themes (i.e., lessons) that run through all of these companies’ video marketing strategies:

  • Make Great Stories
  • Make Fun Videos
  • Make Sure There Is A Strategy For Your Video
  • Make Videos The Help Your Customer
  • Make Client Testimonials
  • Make Great CTA’s

The Takeaway

If your company has already started a video marketing strategy, then hopefully this information is helpful. If you are still reluctant about video marketing, then check out this blog. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson—”Always do what you are afraid to do.”

What are your favorite technology videos? Share with us in the comment section below!